And she did just that and ate breakfast like normal. This just reminds of when we first got her and till this day. The after like 4 hours into the day his body started getting numb and week. View: 2890 The stress of moving to a new home might cause a very old rabbit to die sooner rather than later. My rabbit was ten weeks old when we got her and her brothershe was super healthy yesterday and this morning..they live outside so I looked out the window and saw she wasn't moving. Bacterial Causes of Sudden Death. He was never caged and had free roam of the house and garden for 8 years. He was 10 years 6 months old to the day. I have been searching the internet for the past 10 minutes looking for the answer and so far I think is was somehow Myaisis. We did give him carrots, lettuce and bread as I read that maybe wasnt good. It is important to treat the problem as soon as possible, because it can quickly progress. The most common parasites in rabbits are e. cuniculiand coccidiosis. With bloat baby gas drops can sometimes help. Was it a random act of violence, or was my rabbit targeted for some reason? We 3 adults really loved on that bunny for hours and hours, and I cant help but think he died of sadness or fright from the noise. Sadly she didnt make it. Rabbits are susceptible to temperature changes, so water is a crucial component to ensure that rabbits will now suffer from heatstroke. We bought a partial bag of rabbit food online from someone whose rabbit had died. She kindly offered a cage, food, bedding, and helpful advice as this was my first rabbit. We thought he was sleeping because he had his eyes closed. Our family misses her so much. you should not be advising people to leave their female rabbits intact as this will lead to a very increased chance of reproductive cancer and urinary infections. Their bones are very delicate and break easily. Theres no set answer to this question as it can vary depending on the individual rabbit. If its left untreated, the condition may progress quickly to become chronic, and your rabbit may even lose their vision altogether. Telling me that something really bad happened and to not stress. Source: I just found my baby dead today she was fine this morning but when I came home from school and went to take her out for playtime I found her dead broke my heart because I just lost my childhood dog a few weeks before and she was helping me heal and now she's gone the pet store where I got her never gave me the right information about how they could die if frightened. They may also become listless, sleepy, and have a reduced ability to move around. It's hard to lose a pet. This can happen if the rabbit was scared or panicked when it died. Immobility 3. It was heart breaking. Any action you take based on the information found on is strictly at your discretion. I raise Dwarf Netherlands and Dwarf Hotots, I was separating the does from her male babies. Myiasis, or deadly fly-strike Injured during improper handling by children Fear-related heart attack Injured by another pet Aborted pregnancy Poisoning Swallowed a sharp object Bunny was older than you thought Rabbits often do not like children and can be very fearful of them. But we noticed that one of the rabbits wasnt acting right. I wish i can know what happened for real. It was then that I realized my rabbit had been strangled. Darcy was a sweet doe with a beautiful soul. Some rabbits will scream when they die, while others will die quietly just like any other animal. My kid didn't show those but those are the most common. GI stasis is a common condition in all rabbits, even baby ones, but can be quite serious if not addressed quickly. Hi i need to understand why our bunny died she just gave birth to six little babies and hade like a fit and looked like she passed away we pussed on her chest and she took two more breaths then it whas her last we called the vet they told us we should leave the babies to drink from her til she starts to get cold then take them away. Their scary state can cause a heart attack and shock the system, causing death. If you notice that some baby rabbits are not getting enough nutrients, its essential to step in. It was so sudden and unexpected and I miss her so much. I went with him fast to vet but he didnt know what can be so he made him 3 injections to try to make him better. The Holland Lop and Netherland Lop have the longest life span, with most living past ten and even into their early teens. The babies also died as they suffocated.Her partner misses her so much, as she died yesterday and I do too. Cats, dogs, and ferrets are hunting animals and can easily catch and kill a domestic rabbit. I found him lying in his litter tray, no obvious signs and perfectly happy and lively this morning, I had a Lion mane rabbit ,he was perfectly fine in the morning. He was fully grown when we took him in so I would guess he was 7 1/2 years old when he died. My mini lop aged 9 months had 5 healthy babies 5 weeks ago babies fine until today 1 was lethargic and wouldnt eat and he died mother was the same, she died couple of hours later she had a few seizures (or body just giving up) then died absolutely gutted why or what caused this? Everything was normal then suddenly she died. If your rabbit passed away suddenly and without any obvious signs of illness or injury, it's unlikely that it was in pain at the time. Rabbits might suffer from internal bleeding when they ingest sharp objects. I had her for 6 years but she could have been much older. I woke up this morning to find my Bam Bam dead in his cage. If you have children or other pets that could scare your rabbit, this may be well the cause of their vocalizations. I found my rabbit dead this morning. Most male rabbits (bucks) become sexually mature at around four months. If you have a rabbit, refrain from suddenly picking it up. (Nutrition, Benefits, & Feeding Tips). Be careful of liver torsion. He was normally very adventurous and excitable, running around, hiding under the sofas etc. I heard a thud and checked on him. There IS an effective vaccine - Nobivac Myxo-RHD PLUS much safer than the previous vaccine. also very cute. Moreover, you have probably noticed that your rabbit often sleeps with his eyes open. Rabbits can die of fright due to predators, unfamiliar sounds, and loud noises. The definitive way to know for sure if a bunny is dying is by obtaining an autopsy report. If living with young children, a rabbit can easily be injured, perhaps fatally so, after being mishandled by a child. 1. (Solved!) Date Published: 7/20/2021. While it is possible that your rabbit simply passed away due to old age or illness, there is also the possibility that something more sinister was at play. He was Lifeless. A family friend who has raised rabbits for years had a litter, and she was looking for homes. If you take your rabbit to a good exotic vet she should be fine, I am yet to hear of a female dying on the operating table from spaying. A female rabbit that aborts a pregnancy in late term may not be able to absorb the fetal tissue. Learn More: Why does my dog open his mouth? This was unexpected as he had no health problems and should have lived a long healthy life with his twin brother. Some rabbits may also suffer from poisoning. He was a bit over 2 years old but I still love him. I cannot believe this article doesn't mention Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus, aka RHDV, which was released in 1996 to control wild rabbit populations and has been wiping out domestic rabbits worldwide. Ultimately, only a thorough investigation will be able to determine for certain whether or not your rabbit's death was the result of natural causes. It is fatal when the syndrome affects the muscles that control breathing. Also by his litter box. Seizures in rabbits are an uncommon occurrence, caused by Another thing you could have done is to provide your rabbit with a healthy diet and fresh water. Not always the the case in all. I turned off the oxygen machine, and then removed the bunny. Others may die without any warning signs. It is possible to treat the condition by adjusting the medications the rabbit is taking. And it's even harder when you're not sure if your pet was in pain when it died. He's been with us for 8 years. Sometimes, a rabbit will die with its eyes open because it is sick and doesn't have the strength to close them. He was completely fine when I left this morning. My little angel died 2-3 hours after. Death with the eyes open is familiar with animals. I called my mom and my mom tried to give him CPR. 9 mo. A veterinarian can help you find the cause of this unusual condition. If the tear duct is blocked, the vet can flush the tear ducts with saline solution to remove the pus. It wasnt first time when we washed him, probably he was so stressed and i didnt even realise. I'm grieving badly and in total shock. It all depends on the cause of death and the individual rabbit's personality. So, i went inside to grab some breakfast. Your veterinarian can recommend the best way to put your rabbit to sleep. my rabbit was very healthy a few hours ago and then the next hour I saw her she passed mom said she fed her biscuits and I know it is not good , but the previous time my mom fed her biscuits she was totally might be over dose of artificial chemicals or some other reason.but the way my rabbit die out of blue was very sad.i feel sorry for dose who had similar situations as well. Since rabbits are prey animals they hide illness very well. Parasite infestation is not only passed from adult rabbits to one another. Rabbit Died Suddenly With Eyes Open! She continued to be like this, not doing anything and staying still, only blinking. Every night he'd watch tv with us. When a rabbit dies, the muscles in its body can sometimes remain rigid for a period of time. Bunny was very old so I didn't want to over-stock on food, thinking that he could go anytime. My sister brought him into the house crying, holding him in her arms, saying Mistys dead! It is impossible to know for certain what caused your rabbit's death, but there are some things you could have done to prevent it. Rabbits can scream when they are in pain or when they are about to die. Loss of appetite to eat and drink are the most common symptom of a viral or parasitic infection of rabbits. They will be able to determine if there were any underlying health conditions that may have contributed to your rabbit's death. Normal air is about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen. My beautiful dwarf lion head died today suddenly. This would have helped to ensure that your rabbit was healthy and would not have contracted any diseases. He then had discharge from they eye but we cleared that up. Instead, take your rabbit to the veterinarian as soon as you identify these signs. If the temperature in their environment changes suddenly or there is a sudden loud noise, it can cause their heart to stop. She lived a good life. All rabbits, and most other animals, need to come outside in the summer, and they enjoy it as much as we do. Your veterinarian can run various tests to make a proper diagnosis, and he will also be able to recommend treatment options. Myiasisor flystrike is a parasite that clings to the rabbits fur. Seek it out, and find a vet trained in exotics - rabbits cannot be treated by a standard cat and dog vet! Dehydration can be a sudden cause of death when left untreated. If they are not provided with the right amount of water, the rabbit might succumb to dehydration or stroke. I went to a friends house and came back to find him lying on his side dead. But not sure he was an adult when I got him in 2017. You can also choose to have your pet cremated. Don't feel guilty; rabbits are easily startled/scared and can have heart attacks quickly. Even the vet couldnt say anything. This morning was fine and all. Most rabbits stop growing between 1824 months of age, and a healthy rabbit can live for 912 years. Gastrointestinal stasis can also be very painful and uncomfortable for rabbits. If the rabbit was elderly, its eyes may have been open due to muscle weakness. Our curious & oh-so-sweet bun jumped up into a chair where a newly opened box of ordinary cookies were left for an hour, and ate 1/4 of the box. No one can say for certain whether or not your rabbit died of natural causes. Sharp Objects Swallowing 4. Rabbits are born in litters of 114. If your rabbit dies and you suspect poison, be sure to remove the body and sterilize the area. - Quora; 8 8.Rabbit Died With Eyes Open? She would lick my hand as I was holding her head up so she could drink water While we were trying to reach her vet. 1. However, it's important to remember that not all rabbits show signs of pain when they're experiencing it. As heartbreaking as it is, the bunny must have suffered from some illness, stress, or injury. They are delicate creatures that cannot withstand sudden shock caused by noises or predators. Rabbits stop growing at 1824 months of age, but read up on the breed of rabbit you are looking at so you know the typical sizes for babies and adults of that type. she was not even 3 years old, Took my bunny to the vets for op on teeth brought her home by 1.30 in the morning I rushed her back to vets they put her on a drip by 3.30 she lost her fight. And they have just a big a chance of dying during the surgery as the males do, Our baby bunny just died, he has one eye open and one closed and is cold. DO NOT BUY OR IMPORT RABBITS AT THIS TIME FROM THOSE AREAS WITHOUT A HEALTH CERTIFICATE. It has become a vital part of their behavior as herbivores and grazing animals. Eyes slightly opened. We are heartbroken. If its new to your home, keeping it away from larger household pets can be a great way to keep them safe from predator animals. With humans, dying with eyes wide open is not a good sign. I researched how to take care of rabbits, especially for a first timer, and I had her for about a month and she was fine. So if you have a pet rabbit at your home avoid keeping sharp or solid substances like glass, plastic materials, nails or small metal objects lying anywhere. (Explained) A rabbit can die suddenly with its eyes open due to poisoning. Learn More: Why dogs keep their mouth open? She was very very loved, she was my spoiled princess. The injection induces sleep, triggering the muscles in the eyelids to close. male rabbits have an equal chance of passing during sterilization surgery. She was only three months..we gave her a nice proper burial but Im going to be mourning for a long time. We were never sure if he hated it, due to some other animals like cats, dogs and birds. This condition is typically a symptom of a bacterial infection in the eye, but it can also be a sign of an underlying systemic problem. I buried him and grieve as he was my child. She was quickly getting more and more lethargic and I was growing more upset because I was helpless. If you are planning to get a bunny, train your dog beforehand and keep them away from each other. 1 - goo on January 16, 2020: On Monday I came downstairs before going to school and I pick her up and she dosnt move at all she wont eat or drink anything, My mom comes to school 2 hours later picking me up early saying that my bunny died I was so devastated I cried for hours but we think she got out of her cage but we dont know from reading this article it helped me I got a new bunny the same day named coco she is now my baby but we still dont know what happend to my bunny we think migh have to shocked from my brother being to loud. Children running around screaming can cause stress and anxiety for rabbits. It may been old age. I can only hope that whoever killed my rabbit is someday caught and brought to justice. Unfortunately, it is impossible to know why a rabbit would suddenly die from a general description. If a rabbit's eyes are open after death, it is likely due to muscle rigidity and not because the rabbit is still alive. We miss him so much. Lion Head was breathing and suddenly is slightly breathing or slightly moving she want drink anything hurry what should I do no vet available, my baby rabbit was only 1 month old he was good and fine at that morning and afternoon he became unhealthy and unhappy !! Treatment can also include using an eyewash to prevent infection. It hurts. My rabbit died this morning and he is missed, Love, and water. They may not show any symptoms and behave normally, but if there is discharge from any area, especially the eyes, mouth, or anus, they may have eaten something poisonous in the garden. Rabbits can suffer lethargy and dehydration if there are existing sicknesses or ailments. My rabbit was perfectly time a few hours before and so was my hamster. while i took a bath to my rabbit,he started to scream a loud.suddenly he can t able to move his hind limbs.we consulted a doctor and had two injection,after 2 hrs he died with his eyes open.we didn t expect this.the . We don't have dogs in the country I live. My two beautiful young rabbits just died of suspected RHDV, both within a few hours of appearing unwell. Came home from work tonight and found one of our two bunnies dead in it's cage? It is not uncommon for people to see a dead rabbit and assume that the animal is still alive because its eyes are open. Then no one took Bunnys. My bunny of 6 years old just passed away. The noise of the machine would make it hard for the bunny to hear other things, and we would always speak before entering the room, so the bunny would not be surprised by our approach. Your pet may be unconscious for hours or even days, so you should not leave the animal unattended. Im really going to miss her, Today my rabbit Charlie died she was a holland lop and she was one of a kind she would jump up onto the couch just when I was minding my own buisness and she would put her head under my hand and demand to be petted I loved her with all my heart she died trying to breathe jumping and gasping in my dads arms I literally felt my heart tear in two she was the friendliest awesomest bunny you could ever find she wouldnt even run away from people she hid that she was sick and died at the vet today. He was my therapy. I found my rabbit dead yesterday morning. However, there are some general signs that can point in the direction of a bunnys impending demise. We put him in his cage for 2 days so we could clean the kitchen and he had food and water. The rabbit may go into shock and die a few days later. Loud sounds, such as cats, dogs, loud music, or screaming can lead to a heart attack and put a rabbit into shock, causing sudden death. 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